Friday, February 19, 2010


No one really questions the linkage between America’s addiction to oil and gas, our dependent relationship on the Saudis and OPEC, and the seething resentment directed at the United States by Islamic fundamentalists.

A cogent report on this subject can be found at:

Another one – a book review - is at:

It is amusing that the same conclusion comes from both ends of the journalistic spectrum!

In simplest terms, turning off the faucet of U.S. dollars flowing to OPEC dictatorships that sponsor terrorism would put a serious crimp in the resources of Al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations.

It is baffling that the basically conservative pro-American mindset that is most devoted to fighting terrorism and supporting our military, largely coincides with the hands-off, let-me-drive-at-any-speed-I-please mentality of the most outspoken critics of national speed limits.

Why don’t the same people who boycotted French fries see the patriotic logic of driving under existing speed limits?

Consider the irony of drivers who sport “Support Our Troops” stickers on their gas-guzzling RAM and F-150 pickups.

If pressed, many of these Americans would proudly call themselves “law and order” people. Yet they daily flout the posted speed limit – the one law that could help them fight their most hated enemies right where it counts: in the wallet.

If politically conservative Americans really understood that by driving 55, they could put a significant dent in the economies of OPEC dictatorships who sponsor terrorism – would they do it?

Or would their civil right to waste resource and ignore the law trump their hatred of Osama Bin Laden?

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